This is a loan to help you through tough times. An advantage for you as an employee of a Champion Business Partner. The Community Cornerstone Advantage Loan Program is designed for individuals who need assistance through some of life’s moments, such as a car repair, medical expense, adoption, vacation and more. Qualified applicants will be eligible for a discounted rate on a Community Credit Union Signature Loan.

Program Details:

  • Must be employed 6 months or more with a Champion Partner business
  • Must show 6 months of employment history
  • Minimum loan amount $250
  • Maximum loan amount $2,500
  • Terms 90 days to 24 months (not to exceed the length of employment with partner business)
  • Automatic deduction from paycheck required
  • Applicant must provide 3 references
  • Financial Coaching provided to all applicants

Get started with an Application today!

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For more information reach out to Ginger Leigh Smith, Financial & Life Navigator at 207-713-8076